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dsc_2359.jpg (61744 bytes) dsc_2360.jpg (110319 bytes) Here is another of Mr. Trump's buildings  
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Castle Clinton

She needs no introduction. dsc_2375.jpg (40016 bytes) dsc_2381.jpg (49226 bytes) dsc_2387.jpg (35108 bytes)
dsc_2394.jpg (95477 bytes) dsc_2396.jpg (88799 bytes) dsc_2410.jpg (60192 bytes)

Ellis Island

dsc_2412.jpg (64890 bytes)
dsc_2417.jpg (97964 bytes) dsc_2420.jpg (76214 bytes) dsc_2424.jpg (105098 bytes) The New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street.
dsc_2429.jpg (140480 bytes) There were a couple of churches near the World Trade Center site.  One of the churches has a number of memorials that were created in the days that followed 9-11-01.  The patches shown in these pictures are from police and fire departments around the world.  A few look like they were ripped from a sleeve and left here.  There are a few from the Northwest. dsc_2430.jpg (147252 bytes)

We finished this day with a trip to the Museum of Television and Radio.  It was unlike most other museum in that they didn't have much hanging on the walls.  They had a few screening rooms showing various television shows during the day.  We saw The Best of Steve Martin from Saturday Night Live and a 25th Anniversary Special about The Muppets.  The museum also has a library of television and radio programs that can be checked out and viewed.


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