Renton Fire Department |

On July 21, 2005, Renton placed an Emergency One Cyclone II in
service. |
Snohomish County Fire District 1 |

American-LaFrance 1500gpm
500gallon tank 30gal
foam 470hp
Detroit Diesel Series 60
Snohomish County Fire District 1 has acquired two of
these new engines. One is Engine 21 and the other is Engine
13. The engines were delivered in the last quarter of 2004 and
placed in service around January 2005. |
Woodinville Fire and Life Safety |

Woodinville took delivery of two black over red American-LaFrance
pumpers near the end of 2005. Engine 35 recently placed one of the
new engines in service. The other engine is marked for Engine 34. |
King County Fire District 20/Skyway |


HME 1871-SLe MFD-12
Series 60 500hp
4000 EVS-R
Pump 1500 gpm 500 gal
20 has acquired two new engines. They were delivered in December
of 2004. |
Redmond Fire Department |

Redmond has taken delivery of a new 100ft Pierce Aerial
Platform. It was put in service in March of 2005. |